The Council of the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation (GEF) recently appointed the new members of the GEF Disciplinary Commission for the term of 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2028:
Scherer Matthias (President)
Burger Laurence (Deputy President)
Cook Michael
Hayn Thomas
Kleiner Jan
Koller Trunz Mirjam
Lehnen Maximilien
Moro Daniele
Munoz Lopez Edgardo
Pitre Catherine
Potts Kendrah
Schärer Melanie
The functions of the Disciplinary Commission are mainly to:
request statements from the parties or independent experts;
conduct hearings;
investigate and make decisions in disciplinary cases under its authority; and
impose disciplinary sanctions.
Disciplinary proceedings may be opened by the Director of the GEF based on the findings from an investigation into a complaint. These proceedings are governed by the FIG Code of Discipline, as well as international and Swiss law. The outcomes are communicated to the Director who is then responsible for informing all concerned parties. Decisions taken by the Disciplinary Commission (DC) of the GEF must be implemented by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).
