The GEF Council held its sixth meeting on 26 March 2021. Given the ongoing travel restrictions related to Covid-19, the meeting was once again held virtually. The Council began with a discussion of the various independent national reviews underway, the results of which have started to be released, with most expected in the course of the year. The recommendation that GEF take the lead in the effort to identify and synthesize common key issues on a broader scale was highlighted and agreed.
An update on the current status of ongoing cases and key questions was provided to the GEF Council, which also considered various aspects of the Foundation’s operations and governance framework.
The GEF Director informed the GEF Council members of the recent meeting with the leadership of the FIG Athletes’ Commission to discuss ways of further strengthening the athletes’ voice. Different approaches were highlighted, including the importance of multiple, adapted communication channels.
Additional points discussed include data protection and the finalization of GEF Internal Regulations. The GEF Council members also approved the financial accounts for 2020, to be transmitted to the auditor for review.
The next GEF Council meeting will be held in June 2021.