Earlier this month, the Council of the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation (GEF) appointed two new members to the Foundation’s Disciplinary Commission. Michael Cook, a sports lawyer from Oregon, USA, and also a former university level gymnast; and Melanie Schärer, a Swiss-based sports lawyer who is working with players, clubs and federations, will replace outgoing Disciplinary Commission members Michelle Duncan and Despina Mavromati.
Melanie Schärer said about her appointment:
"I am excited to bring my legal background to the gymnastics arena. Let's keep the rules clear – because fairness matters on and off the mat."

Reflecting on his new role, Michael Cook said:
“As a former gymnast, I am excited to be able to use my talents to assist the GEF and give back to the sport that has given me so much.”

Together with the Appeal Tribunal, the Disciplinary Commission forms part of the GEF’s Disciplinary Section. Disciplinary proceedings may be opened by the Director of the GEF based on the findings of an investigation into a complaint. The Disciplinary Commission’s functions are to: conduct hearings, investigate, request statements from the parties or independent experts and issue decisions and/or sanctions in disciplinary cases falling under its authority.
As of 1 January 2021, all members of the Disciplinary Commission are appointed by the GEF Council.
